Latest Labor Report Reveals Occupations with High Work-Related Fatality Rates
1. Fishers and related fishing workers. Drowning.
2. Logging workers. Being struck by falling object.
3. Aircraft pilots and flight engineers. Crashes.
4. Structural iron and steel workers. Falls.
5. Taxi drivers. Homicide.
6. Construction laborers. Vehicular accidents and falls.
7. Farmers and ranchers. Vehicular accidents.
8. Roofers. Falls.
9. Electrical power-line installers and repairers. Electrocution.
10. Driver/sales workers and truck drivers. Highway collisions.
11. Refuse and recyclable material collectors. Vehicular accidents, falls, being struck by objects, and exposure to harmful substances or environments.
12. Police and sheriff's patrol officers. Homicide and highway collisions.
The BLS occupational safety and health statistics program compiles a count of all fatal work injuries occurring in the U.S. in each calendar year. The program uses diverse state, federal and independent data sources to identify, verify and describe fatal work injuries -- including more than 21,000 unique source documents as part of its 2007 data collection process.