About the Editor-in-Chief, Susan Saxe-Clifford, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist, State of California:

I have been a police psychologist since the 1970's providing consultations to numerous public safety agencies in pre-employment psychological evaluations, psychological fitness for duty evaluations, critical incident debriefing, training on a variety of topics, and management consultation.   Consistently involved in local, State and national associations, I have chaired various professional associations. Although I have published and lectured widely over the years I see this web site as an opportunity to reach many more interested people and direct them to the information they need.

My intent is to provide a site to help answer common questions and direct the reader to more in depth information, where available. This site and the information presented within is not intended as an offering of  professional advice. Professional, psychological advice and services,  should be provided on an individual basis by a licensed professional in your community. This site provides INFORMATION ONLY, sometimes without comment or independent verification, for you to investigate or pursue. Please keep in mind, professional practices and agency needs may vary widely. In almost all cases, there are a variety of approaches that are acceptable to accomplish a goal. I will try to direct you to different opinions when available.

PolicePsych is a trademark of Susan Saxe-Clifford, Ph.D. APC. Copyright � 2015
[Susan Saxe-Clifford, Ph.D. APC]. All rights reserved.