When you encounter a subject who is mentally ill, remember
that his bizarre behavior is due to hearing voices in his head and being
very frightened. He will usually only be violent if he feels threatened
or cornered. The guidelines below will help you to defuse potentially
volatile situations.
Follow your safety procedures
Approach the subject slowly
Be calm and confident
Give him space, Don't corner
Don't move suddenly
Give your first name
Ask for the subject's name until he gives it
Use his name repeatedly
Be patient
Try to make eye contact
Remember there is a voice in his head threatening him and telling him
to do things.
He may be slow to respond
Don't be offended by strong language
Don't be angered by his comments
Don't challenge bizarre ideas
The subject's answers may not make sense. It will take time to defuse
the subject. Hurrying the subject will threaten or provoke him
Speak slowly
Ask short direct questions
Repeat yourself
Reassure him when he is frightened or angry
Ask if he takes medication
(Information provided from a card presented to police
officers in the Los Angeles area by the Mental Illness and Law Enforcement
Systems and Pacific Clinics, 1994)